Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fish How Many Eggs How Do Fish Have Sex And How Many Eggs To Expect Out Of Blood Parrot Cichlids?

How do fish have sex and how many eggs to expect out of blood parrot cichlids? - fish how many eggs

I have two blood parrot cichlids .. have laid the eggs, but before you eat How do I know if and when they mate, so I can put a separation between eggs and fish? Thanks


Kimberly... said...

Depending on the fish. Most fish are egg-layers in which the female lays eggs and the male fertilizes them externally. Fish such as mollies, platies and guppies are live-bearer, in which the male fertilizes the eggs inside and gives the female live births. Chilids are fish such as mouth brooders, where they keep the eggs in their mouths until they hatch and protect their young by the mouth. Gouramis are bubble nest, lay their eggs in a nest of bubbles on the surface of the water. There are several ways a companion for fish, depends only on fish.

As for your other questions, it was usually 4-8 clutches depends on birds.

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